Be the spiritual man

       Collection of Prayers From

     Praising Life Testimony Message

by God’s maidservant Esther Aiguang Wang

          Praising Life             
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Lord Jesus, we thank you and praise you! In our mother’s wombs, you yourself took care of us, while we were babes, you were feeding us carefully. You have made our mouth to tell out your wonderful deeds all the days of our life. Today, you are making us a mighty army with banners. You also desire us as your beautiful virgins. You have placed us like a seal on your heart and on your arm so that we may declare your strength to this generation and your might to all to come.
Lord, we give thanks to you for you alone doth great wonders. May your glory fill the entire universe! May all your virgins quickly run after you! Lord Jesus, come back quickly, like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of spices.

We pray in your own precious and victorious name, amen!


Dear Lord, you have redeemed me. You know my sorrow and grief. Lord, may your will be done upon me. I ask you to bind all the works of Satan the devil. Thank you Lord, you let me realize all the human love is temporary. Lord, I want to be in your bosom. Your holding is my true comfort. Let me rejoice in you for you are the Lord of peace and joy. Thank you Lord, you let me rejoice when I think of your salvation. How wonderful you have prepared a better home for me in heaven and you are with me always on earth. Teach me to talk to you constantly and draw me closer to you day by day. Lord, I want to be an overcoming saint. I want to be a new creation. 
I pray in your prevailing Name. Amen!


Lord Jesus, we praise you and thank you for making our mouth to thank you and praise you among your people. Your love is above the heavens. Your wisdom is beyond our measure. All that you have prepared for those who love you are the wonderful deeds by your mighty hand. O  Lord, it pleases you to know your unsearchable wisdom and fully taste the love above heavens that all your children may personally experience and see your wonderful deeds and fulfillment of your eternal plan perfectly upon those who were created by you. 

Lord, we deeply believe, by demonstration of the Spirit and power, you yourself will by our word of exhortations put your heart’s desire into the heart of your children. You will let your children know the reality of the word as to live by the Spirit and walk also by the Spirit.

Your name surely will be glorified exceedingly! You will, by the work of the Spirit that searches all things, make us see clearly all the evil works of the devil. Shame Satan to the end!

We pray in the Holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross, shed His blood and gave us God’s own resurrected life. Amen!


Lord Jesus, we are tearful before you. We thank you and praise you. How shall we neglect such a great salvation? You have shed your precious blood on the cross. By your wounds, we have been healed. You suffered for us and you became a sin offering and condemned sin in the flesh. Hallelujah, praise Lord! Thank God, you have exhibited your infinite wisdom, you have shown us the great love of your only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ who laid down His own life on the cross and redeemed us with a “price” -His precious blood ,that we the hopeless sinners can be delivered from the power of darkness of Satan. Heavenly Father, praise you for you so love the world, you have given your only begotten Son, that whosoever believe you will have eternal life and shall not perish. You demonstrate your love to us, even while we were still sinners, Christ has died for us. 

Lord Jesus, gladly you have seen the fruit of the travail of your soul. You have avenged yourself on your enemy Satan by the power of God, the gospel and our believing. You have taken back those you created. You are leading your sons into glory. Your purpose for us to be one with you can be perfectly accomplished. We pray in the Holy name of our Lord Jesus who shed His precious blood and called us to overcome to sit with Him in His throne! Amen!


O God, What great love, you have given your only begotten son to us who were once in darkness and short of your glory because we have turned everyone to his own way. We were supposed to be nailed on the cross to receive the wrath of God. We should take the punishment yet you have replaced us with your beloved son to bear our sins. Lord Jesus, we can only thank you and praise you for what you did for us and give all the glory to you!

Lord Jesus, each time as the Holy Spirit shows us the vision of your crucification: you were wearing the crown of thorn;your hands and legs were nailed on the cross and the pierced side came out blood and water......, we are full of thankful tears. Lord Jesus, because of your glorious cross and your great love to give yourself, by your wounded hands, you have accomplished your masterpiece--you have made us “new creation”
O Lord, the love that loves us constrains us. How can we stopped loving you!How much Satan the devil wants to damage your work, how much Satan desires us to live in old creation to be short of your glory. Yet, thank you and praise you, by believing not only the fact you have given us the life giving spirit, but also believing the fact we have been crucified with you, we were dead with you and we have been resurrected with you, you would make us new creation to be truly delivered out of the darkness power of Satan. 

Lord Jesus, we praise you and thank you. You have put us on the “new man” and you have given us a “new heart”, that this “new heart” of new man will fully obey the Holy Spirit and belongs to you. The “new spirit” of new man will live to God and is one with the Holy Spirit. Our “body” will be totally under the control of Holy Spirit and walk according to God’s desire. Greatly shame your enemy, Satan the devil! Glorify your name exceedingly!

O Lord, you will by the all conquering work of the holy Spirit and our firm believing that we have been crucified with Christ, we have bee dead with Christ and resurrected with Christ, you will cause all your children who have been redeemed by your precious blood to become new creation. Your children will live by the spirit and walk also by the spirit. They will be spiritual man and become your faithful companion to walk , sit and stand with you. Satan the devil will become the footstool of you and those who overcome!

We pray in the victorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ who shed his blood for us and turned us into new creation by our faith!  Amen!
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