Be the spiritual man

      Collection of Prayers From

     Praising Life Testimony Message

by God’s maidservant Esther Aiguang Wang

          Praising Life             
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Lord, you have taught us in Philippians chapter 2 that If then there be any comfort in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and compassions,fulfill my joy, that you may think the same thing, having the same love, joined in soul, thinking one thing; Thank you Lord  that I can be here to testify to your glory. Thank you for giving me a heart to love you and to love all of your children. For you love all of your children so much as you love me. Lord, you will surely bless all the Spirit leading testimonies. That we may encourage one another and grow together in the Lord.  Lord, we pray that your joy will be fully fulfilled. 
Pray in your own precious and prevailing name. Amen!


Lord, we deeply know that you desire to bless your church. You want to give “your bride” -- the church, the spirit of wisdom and revelation. That we may truly know you as our Lord Jesus Christ. We will see the surpassing beauty of our Bridegroom. 

By the truth of your word in the Bible, by the testimonies to the word of your truth, you will surely make us know the hope of your calling and you will let us know the riches of your glorious inheritance in the saints.
Lord, we thank you for giving the believers the surpassing greatness of your power. To you be the glory , praises, power, strength and wisdom forever and ever. We pray in the victorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! dao_gao_ji_jin_di7ye_jian_ti.html
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